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October 2014 Stoat Trapping Newsletter

We have been helping with the beach cleanups on Stewart Island and Fiordland Coastline along with our annual road side cleanups.

HI All, It’s been awhile since my last newsletter but we haven’t been idle.

We have been helping with the beach cleanups on Stewart Island and Fiordland Coastline along with our annual road side cleanups. Buying another boat business, Lake Hauroko Tours, that mostly takes trampers to and from the Dusky Track (maybe I can get a stoat/rat trap or two up that way………)

The Conservation Community Partnership Funding has granted Wairaurahiri Jet money to replace our rusting DOC 150 kill traps with new shinny stainless steel traps.

We also are working on getting a small bird spotting booklet out to the trampers in the area to gauge whether the trapping is having its desired outcome of more birds and what types. I will be collating the results of this so I’m looking forward to seeing what happens over the next few years.

We have been asked by the Hump Ridge Track to take on their traps. Johan and I were instrumental in getting them onboard with trapping the track and placing to catch some nasty predators. It is all very exciting stuff.

Imagine a whole area with traps and how that is going to benefit the area

Another terrific thing that has happened is we have launched a new adventure, this one includes a night’s accommodation and breakfast on the Hump Track, a night at the Waitutu Lodge then the, best bit, a the jet boat ride up the wild Wairaurahiri River. The purpose of it all is to check and re bait the traps. My first group did this in the middle of October and they cleared the traps of 27 beasties YAY. The cost of this adventure is $3009 per person so join the fun and become an ECO tourist.

Trap LinesStoatsRatsWeasel
South Coast Track (from 2009)




Wairaurahiri River (from 2006)




Hump Ridge track (from 2014)








Thanks everyone for your support and may the fight against the nasty predators continue


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