Hi All,
Well Summers nearly over but the days are still warm despite the leaves turning to their Autumn colours,
Johan has been enjoying his season taking guests down and up the Wild Wairaurahiri River taking in the ever changing rugged South Coast and calling in to have lunch at the Waitutu Lodge with Pete and Rose the caretakers.
Just recently we featured along with High Country Helicopters and Waitutu Lodge on Rheems Out Doors with Geoff link below.
Right now the river is very low so we have stopped operating till the heavens open up and dump many inches of rain into Lake Hauroko and filling our wild river.
But if you fancy a trip on Lake Hauroko you can join us on our lake launch NAMU for a cruise The head of lake Hauroko is one of the most gorgeous places I have seen It is also the start of the Dusky Track I have been surprised by the number of hikers that have come to NZ just to walk the Dusky…….
For now Johan and I are doing our nightly rain dances and I am continuing to trap stoats and take tramper twice a week to the head of Lake Hauroko.
Winter is the best time for the weekend away trips to a very special place with Wairaurahiri Jets
Death to the Stoats.